Information & Contact Form
Here at Keep My Head Straight we want to help you to enjoy a more balanced, calm and happy life. A blog, forum and private members group gives everyone the oppurtunity to put their thoughts, feelings and questions out there. The site has lots of tips and ideas to help you on your path to living a happier healthy lifestyle.
As we believe in nature helping our mental health and wellbeing we are very much driven to aid in any way we can to help us all become more eco-concious to protect the wildlife and our planet for generations to come. So tips and advice on ways you too can enjoy the benefits of nature.
Members get exclusive access to extra information, such as mindfulness practice help, help sheets to help with anxiety and stress and more.
If you have any questions or queries please fill in the form below and we will be in touch as quickly as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions.
Please get in touch if the below information does not answer your question.
Do you offer any training courses?
Not at the moment.
Do you do guest blogs?
Yes. I think guest blogs are great and for everyone. Please get in touch if you would like to be considered. keepmyheadstraight@gmail.com
Are you trained?
I have a health care background, I was an Operating Department Practitioner. My health issues meant I could no longer carry on my career and when I can I add, maintain the website, instagram and facebook accounts.
I have also studied more recently and completed a Psychology Diploma, Psychotherapy Diploma, Mindfulness Diploma, Mindfulness for Children Training Programme Certificate, Anxiety and Depression Diplomas.
Advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Diploma and Autism Awareness Diploma.
I am currently doing a certificate in self care.
Do you sell any products?
Yes. I am an affiliate for Green Planet Beauty. I am now an Independant Scentsy Consultant, I sell all things home fragrance and more.
Can anyone become a member?
Yes they can. Currently there is no charge for membership. Fill in a quick form, activate/confirm your email account and then you will have exclusive access to further information and private group chats.
I love poetry as it is very creative and a great way to get things out in to the open. When I can I write and when I am feeling happy with it I will put it in the poetry section of the website. If you have any poetry you would like to share please get in touch.
Email: keepmyheadstraight@gmail.com